Food Environmental Program - "In support of UNSD Goal 2030"

i. Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  1. To convert our bio waste from our processing into useful nutrient as soil enrichment to enhance crop yield.
  2. To work with local institutions located at Sandakan education hub i.e. Polytechnic and UMS.
ii. Goal 13 - Climate Action
  1. Renewable Energy i.e., harness Solar energy for our processing needs.
  2. Reduce Carbon footprint i.e., pursue Malaysian Carbon Neutral Certification.
We are interested and seeking for partners to work together in the following programmes:

Education Tour for School kids - "Look, Laugh, and Learn"

Interested to organise educational tour with us? Fill in the form now and send it to our e-mail!

Year 2009

the first visit was during 2009 a group of children from the local nursery school visited the factory.

Year 2017

Year 2017, China Television Station, CCTV will create a children’s program to teach about the fishing industry together with the company.

Year 2018

Children from Che Siang Kor Moral Uplifting Society Sandakan (2018)